Thursday, October 20, 2011

Following a dream is intimidating. You possess it. You get excited for it. You tell people about it. You start to take the first step of getting it… And then you realize that its not just your dream. It’s a lot of other peoples dreams too.  All of a sudden your amazing, life changing dream that you’ve had ever since you can remember becomes something small. It becomes something that you're not entirely sure belongs to you anymore. You feel discouraged and you throw your hands up in defeat.

I've wanted to have my own magazine forever. When I was a kid, I used to create these dorky little E-Mail 'zines and send them out to people in my family and a few other 6th graders I was friends with. Today, I check certain blogs daily, loving every article, loving every creative thought put into it. I used to want to do this. I'd think. Honestly, all it took was a few words of encouragement from a close friend (who happens to be someone who chased a dream and is very successful now) to get me seriously thinking about starting my own blog again. So, here I am. Completely clueless as to how to start, a fear that it's going to fail big time and what in the world are my favorite bloggers going to think? (If I can manage to even get their attention.) I have loads of fears, but here I am.
This is my first official post to Freckles Galore and I am proud to present my baby. Of course, it's in the first stages of development and it's most certainly nothing special yet, but give it time. Give it time. 
xoxo Alex

Please check out the "Whats In A Name?" page for why I chose the title of this blog :)

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